Let us know where in the world you are? Phoenix, AZ

Do you already co-work with others, or wish something in your area would start?

I know there's already a couple of co-working spots in town. I wouldn't participate because I need to be in complete silence to work (shades of early childhood there). However, for a millisecond, around the time I was starting my creative writing center for youth nonprofit (it didn't get off the ground), I was thinking of creating something like The Writer's Room (https://www.writersroom.org/) instead of the nonprofit. To the point where I had actually taken a tour of Paragraph NY (https://www.paragraphny.com/) when Mr. Ex and I went to NYC for his job one year. These places had cubicles to work at and I know that wouldn't be enough privacy for me. If a co-working space offered actual closed-door rooms, I would consider doing it.

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I’ll let you know if we get out to Phoenix! 😘

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I'm thinking that Cow Corn would be a great rural twist on Co-Work Corner. And don't ever eat it---it's definitely not made for human molars. My urban grandmother stole a dozen from a field and tried to boil it up for us when I was a kid.

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Great idea for your fellow Brits. Love the name and logo.

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Thanks so much! 😘

You could always start a CWC group in your nearest town, commission structures are available. 😉

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I've got way too much going on. Besides Good Humor I'll be starting a Substack vodcast with a skin care expert friend. It will be short-- quick info with humor. I also started doing comedy videos on IG and Youtube @emptynestercomedy

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How exciting! 👏

Will check them out, good luck with the new project! 😘

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what a cool idea, Kate. I live in London, Wembley Park - and since I am very new to Substack (literally less than one week) I would love to connect with others. If you will do an event closer to Central London or North-West London I would be happy to join.

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