It’s so interesting, isn’t it? And nobody really talks about it. Although I did try and strike up this conversation with a fellow school parent last week and it fell a bit flat. I’m probably now the weird parent.

Also, I’d pay good money to see your Google search history!

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It is super interesting, such a shame you struck unlucky with the school parent, most people I've asked have been more than happy to share what's going on up top. It's particularly funny when a married couple finds out for the first time how each other think!

Why have we all not spoken about this before, it's fascinating!

Btw, it sounds like ours are very similar, I'd be lost without it. 😂

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10 hrs agoLiked by Kate Darracott

My partner doesn’t have an inner monologue! Wild! How does he think? My inner monologue never shuts up. Sometimes it does become less inner and I end up walking around and talking to myself but that’s bound to happen when things get carried away in my brain…

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You're not alone, it turns out a lot of people do that. 👏

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Can confirm! I'm one of them. My inner blabla is *constant*. I had no idea that there were people who don't have one!

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I was fascinated when my friend and I had this convo & she couldn’t understand how my head was always chattering. I think I have both a monologue & dialogue but I probably very more towards a dialogue. I also talk to every living creature I encounter, from the midges buzzing round my face this morning to the caterpillar I tried to stop from killing itself on the road & the lamb that jumped back over the fence after to dog told it to jog on!

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Do you think your 'out loud' chatter has increased since your move to the Orkney's, where there are less people to hear you?

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Oh yes for sure! It started when we got the dog because that felt excusable & then we’ve got more rural and it’s just got worse. When I was in Kent recently I had to stop myself from doing the ministry of funny walks because I realised I was in ‘public’ 🤣

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9 hrs agoLiked by Kate Darracott

NO FUCKING WAY?! I thought we all had them too. You're kinda blowing my mind. This does explain a few things with a few people that I haven't been able to "put my finger on"... I bet they don't have anyone in their head tell them how stupid they sound. 🤯

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11 hrs agoLiked by Kate Darracott

Oi oi oi you missed visualising time! Apparently that’s a skill 10% of the population have. I don’t know how the remaining 90% manage their lives quite frankly!

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoAuthor

Ah! Does that explain why you don't use an oven timer? You just 'see' when things are ready? 😳 😂

What was the name of the time visualising thing?

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I didn't realize that this wasn't the norm, until a few years ago. I have a running monologue at all times! My husband doesn't have an ongoing conversation at all. Like, what do you think about?

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It’s mystifying how people ‘think’ without the internal voice. 😳

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I've heard this before and my inner monologue always wonders "WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE? Is it quiet? Is it just darkness? What is THAT like? Sounds terribly boring."

I always thought everyone's brain was as chaotic as mine. Maybe had we all talked about it, I'd have figured out sooner why I always felt so weird.

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I know, the silence must be deafening for those non-internal chatterers! 😳

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I too was fascinated and asked my husband. First, he thought I was talking about hearing voices tell you things and said definitely not, then he said he didn't think he had one and then, after taking a bath, he said yes, he had been talking to himself in his head. I can't imagine NOT having an inner monologue. I have even noticed that when I am in France, where I speak French sufficiently well to converse (making lots of mistakes), my inner monologue continues in French for a period. Thanks for making us think about it.

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I sure do have an inner monologue, and I’d love it if anyone could help me shut this damn thing off.

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I'm stuck on your Grapheme-color Synesthesia and that you can see numbers in colour! I feel like I'm missing out a little bit and I'm not sure what my condition is but I have to think really hard before I write F or 5 and 4 and R. But, that's as far as it goes. I'm not sure what colour any of them are. I'm sure you've done this Ishihara color blind test: https://www.colorlitelens.com/ishihara-color-blind-test-more Maybe you see disco balls when you do this?

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Oh my god.. yes! I see days, numbers and people's names in colour! I don't mention it much through fear of sounding like a total nut job! 😄

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Oh, my mind is now completely blown....I honestly didn't know that most people don't have any kind of other conversation in their heads. I did know that other people don't find themselves singing snatches of songs to suit a situation...realised that in high school & learnt to keep it in my head.

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Mind blown! I had totally just assumed everyone had an inner monologue/dialogue. Wow imagine the peace... 🌥🌥

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For me it's more a matter of drafting something that I might say in future, than commentary to or about me. When that isn't happening there's often music instead.

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I don't know whether you are serious or it’s a joke! I’ve always thought people are having voices in their heads 🤔

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Brains are utterly fascinating aren't they. I have aphantasia too but I do have a fully functioning and v loud internal monologue🤣

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