First of all, this was a lovely read. I was smiling throughout. Secondly, thank you for officially giving me the name of the disease we both suffer from; directional dyslexia. LOL. I have to have circled around a neighbourhood at least a dozen times before being able to confidently know where to turn off, and even then I may still use the GPS.

I would have personally been gutted that no one else showed up, so I love that you turned it all around and made the most of it. Was the lunch any good?

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I think there’s quite a few of us with DD, yes I have to use the Sat Nav for at least the first 10 times when going somewhere new, even if it’s local! 😂😂

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I haven’t been to an event for the longest time, but this cracked me up! Shame I can’t see the shows either 🤣💕

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Tbh I couldn't believe my luck in finding them to match that outfit! 😂

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If we lived closer, I'd co-work with you!

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Kate! I’d love to co-work / write with you! I’m planning to work from Kindred in west london the week of Feb 26. Let me know if you’re interested!

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Hi Laurie, great to connect with you! 👏

Kindred looks interesting, as does The Glitch as I come into Waterloo. 😉

Are you there all week? I may well be in town that week. 🤞

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Love your attitude - and outfit - Kate!

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Excellent use of a non-event!

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I’ve never been one to miss an opportunity! 😉😃

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Oh Kate, I thought I was the only one that's being made fun of for hopeless at directions. I laughed so hard when I saw it could be perceived as what it really is. Directional or geographical dyslexia. And it's such a cute name for being clueless. I actually did a YAY @ the discovery. You actually made a non event an event. So next time I am asking for direction, would just saw, I have got directional dyslexia. Sounds cool...right?

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It’s surprising how many people have it, once you start talking about it! 😂👏

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Yes I never travel alone due to directionally dyslexia and full on forgetting.

I love your humor and how are you made this into a wonderful opportunity

Thank you

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It sounds like there’s quite a few of us who don’t compute directions! So long as we don’t all travel together we’ll be fine.

Thank you for your kind feedback and restack, it’s such a boost! 👏👏😘

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How odd that no one turned up. But great that you got a post from it. I can relate to the directional dyslexia. As a student in London many years ago, I moved house in the afternoon, went out for a few drinks in the evening and then, heading home, struggled to find my new flat!

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Oh wow! 😳

I can’t believe it took me until my mid 30’s to routinely take a picture of my hotel when on a mini break! 😉

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I can circumnavigate a hundred kilometres of lakes and forests to find a campsite, but come down with an intense case of directional dyslexia in our local ski town. It's absolutely bizarre.

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That is bizarre!

Maybe it's the waft of the cheese fondues distracting you! 😂

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Great piece Kate, and I can’t get my head around why the event wasn’t cancelled, but it did create fantastic material for your post.

I’ve been looking into writing groups where I live and one I found has a strict at least three people policy.

Never seems to run, even when I sign myself up!

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Thank you so much! 😘

I do think co-working/writing groups are going to become more of a thing, with all this working from home cabin fever sets in! 😬

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You’re hilarious- I love your writing style! I rarely go to networking events these days but I’ve been trying to organize a walking/hiking group through a massive text thread where no one really knows each other. Every time I throw out a date to walk, crickets! I need to figure out a better way to motivate people 😅

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Thank you so much Alice! 😘

I feel your pain with the group thing, it is sooooo tricky these days, everyone has overloaded diaries!

Good luck with it! Could you reframe it as a treasure hunt perhaps? 😂

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🤣🤣🤣 So annoying! I have bought online courses and then not bothered to open them. But this is another level, and I love your commitment. I’m glad you made the most of it and I hope your resulting post goes viral. Maybe you can start your own, more successful coworking group things.

I definitely have directional dyslexia too, I never know where I am, though can just about find my own kitchen. 💅

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Joking aside, I am thinking about starting a co-working group… pretend colleagues, chit chat and hugely productive if no one else turns up! ✔️

Don’t fret thought, I’ll make sure it’s in a really obvious place. 😂😘

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I still find it a bit weird that no one turned up and they didn’t cancel it! Maybe everyone ended up going the wrong way and wandered around in circles instead. If you do organise it you should provide maps and stewards. Substack writers seem to be prone to neurodivergence and otherwise will never make it!

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Well I think it was only me who knew no one else had turned up! 🤣

Obviously for my co-working event, there would be a Whatsapp group using Share location so people could guide themselves in. 🏁

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What’s the worst networking event you’ve ever been to and why?

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I need to think as I’m sure there have been a few, but probably just more awkward than anything where the loudest person in the room dominates any conversation… 🤔

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This is just the type of (non)event I would enjoy. Networking for introverts!

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