
Yes, I know what you mean, face to face is still a lovely way to meet-up with people. Keep an eye on the Queenager Substack, Iā€™m sure they will expand to other regions, and if you offer to host in your area that could speed up the process. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜˜

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Well, a "nooner" takes on a whole new meaning here! I had to Google skin-up---aha. My mind went to the greenhouse gutter, picturing the above-mentioned surreptitious nooner. It made sense to me! Who knew it was "to make a cigarette containing marijuana"? Can I get technical here? Does this mean that the 'joint' is made to appear like a cigarette and not like an actual rolled joint? Thanks for the new word!

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ā€˜The jointā€™ doesnā€™t exactly look like a rolled up cigarette, as usually more than 1 ciggy paper is used, so you invariably get a slight cone with a twisty endā€¦ or so Iā€™ve heard.

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Okay, wink-wink. I thought, why go to all the effort of rolling something to look like a cigarette when the first puff is going to give you away?

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I've been stalking Queenagers and Noon since Eleanor set it up. So great to realize how valuable it was. It's like in any life stage its helpful to be a community of women who share in the experience. There's so much of this in motherhood but if you don't have children or you're no longer a young mum what was there before? WI? It's not like you stop dreaming and achieving. Love the humour and warmth in this piece.

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Thank you so much Amy, itā€™s a lovely group, Iā€™m sure their door will be open if you decide to join them in the future, keep watching this space. šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜˜

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Would you describe yourself as a Queenager? Yes. I'll be 53 next month.

Would you attend a Noon Circle if there was one near you? I would if there were any in the U.S.

Have you ever sacrificed a goat? LOL. Glad to say I haven't.

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Queenager... Yes! Yes! Yes. Would love to attend.. Sounds right up my palace... šŸ˜‰

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May 26Liked by Kate Darracott

Love how something online created something tangible offline. This is a perfect example of how we can use our digital space for true connection. Very cool! Can't wait to hear more about it!

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Yes, I think because it was so local to many of us it really fuelled the 'why not just give it a go' thought process. šŸ˜˜

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May 25Liked by Kate Darracott

Sounds like a beautiful meeting of like minded magical Queenagers!

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It really was. šŸ„°

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What a great idea - blogging has given me a Midlife community, but I'd also love to find something like this IRL - and I also love that it wasn't one of those ridiculously expensive "experiences" but just a meeting of like-minded women. Just fantastic!

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Sounds brilliant! Though as a mere slip of a 47 year old Iā€™d be far too young to be admitted šŸ¤£

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I think the ā€˜being in a state of transitionā€™ is more important than your age, but keep an eye on the Queenager, you might want ā€˜inā€™ in a few years time. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜˜

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Huzzah. What a great way to connect with other Queenagers. Thats going to be my new gender affiliation.

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Not sure itā€™s the official greeting, what on earth have I started! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ƒ

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I love Huzzah. Itā€™s also the mantra of Alisa Kennedy Jones.

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Excellent answers, and Happy Birthday in advance for next month! šŸ„³

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