I loved this series too! But yes, there were a few hard to digest moments, for sure.

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We tuned in to this show solely because of your rave review! It's mind-blowing, and Susie Glass is my spirit animal (minus the whole murdering thing, of course). Your analysis of the show is spot-on. I'm totally rooting for Eddie and Susie to set up house together, too, but I'm crossing my fingers that Eddie and Tammy keep their love boat afloat. A breakup between them would likely send Eddie spiraling into the abyss, and let's face it, where else is he going to find such a gem of a woman who puts up with his crazy ass?

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Oh dear Lord, I think that makes me an influencer! 😂 😂 😂

I'm delighted you enjoyed it, it's a total gem of a Series!

I totally agree Freddie and Tammy must never split up, they are made for each other, but I would like to see them threaten it, whilst consulting with solicitors, honey-trappers and hitmen. 🤞

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You totally are an influencer! No turning back now! 🤣 You have a point about Freddie and Tammy. That WOULD be hysterical!

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This is one of my most favorite shows right now , and this is coming from someone who rarely watches TV. I really hope they return with a season 2. My favorite episode was when they were tasked with stealing a Lamborghini.

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Love that episode too! 😂👏

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Other rants and raves from episodes 2-3

1) Fredwick needs to shut his trap except for in episode 3 when he does an insulting Russian or Romanian (?) gangster accent. That was kinda good. Anyways, like you I had a moment of all out cringe when he shouts about how they “got away with it” when Tommy is barely out of screenshot

2) Fire Jimmy!!!

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I know! Exactly! 😉😂👏

I would love to have seen Jimmy’s interview? And what must the other candidates have been like? 😂😂😂

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I skimmed your rant and rave as pre-warned (thank you). When you shared your affection for White Lotus and Big Little Lies immediate trust was established. I think you recommended Fisk too? If so, I'll blindly watch whatever you say at this point. In return---Apples Never Fall and Boy Swallows Universe was a good one season gulp too.

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Thank you for the recommendations! I shall give them a try, obviously our TV taste is aligned. 😃🥰

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Ha, yes. We stayed up into the wee watching two episodes of The Gentleman! Confirmed alignment! The amplified soundtrack/synth score reminds me of Queen of the South!

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You are my TV twin! 😘😘

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I like it. Two rabbit ears picking up frequencies from all directions!

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Oh some many shows I've never heard of and potentially to watch (primarily The thick of it, I guess, because most other things did not receive such a good review)! Surprisingly fun read in spite of not knowing what you're going on about haha

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Episode 1 of "The Gentlemen" watched.


- Anything Susie Glass wears is tremendous. Particularly, the Herringbone suit or blazer. Couldn't tell the bottoms situation. Either way, she's a winning character. The dogs vs men speech with Sticky Pete and her being in the business of "dog training" felt all out Cruella (Emma Stone vibes) I'm here for it.

- Could we love Theo James' quiet, stewing alpha male energy any more? We all needed a palette cleanser/reset after watching his toxic masculinity bravado in "White Lotus S2"

- Is Vinnie Jones going to be better utilized? We need more air time. I'm thinking yes.

- All the name confectionary mashups of Freddie and Edward - Fredwina is tops, but Freddie's wife Tammy having one was the pinnacle of nicknames

- Ugh. Freddie!!! But yes, to him slipping in his chicken suit.

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Amazing commentary! 👏👏

You are in for 7 more glorious episodes you lucky thing!!! 😘

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Am literally thinking of adopting the black and white dogtooth tweed again.

Not worn it since my teens. 😂😂😂

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I scrolled down to let you know I will be back. I started the Gentlemen but switched to One Day because my daughter wanted to binge while I was in town. 🥰

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Excellent due diligence and parenting… binge watching with your child is such a lovely thing! 👏👏

I shall expect you back for further comment soon or perhaps on my One Day post in the meantime. 😘😘

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It's time to down periscope and start shooting torpedoes..... My new fave catchphrase.

I just loved every part of it.

Your review is spot-on Kate and just had me laughing out loud while having a coffee in the local High Street.

I particularly enjoyed, characters, Wham Tam and The Gospel...and wonder if Blanket was called so because he covers things up?

Desperately, hope there is season two sooner rather and the last episode will be the wedding of Vinnie and Joely.

I’m 3/4 of the way through Irish wish - dreadful but will have to see it through 😱

Thank you for for the lols 👏🏼

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Thank you so much for the feedback, it will only encourage me! 😘

I had assumed Blanket was because she couldn’t bear to be without him, but I prefer your version! 👏

Roll on Season 2!!!!! 🥰

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