Are... are you hoping that she doesn't die in the book? I both read the book and saw the film when they came out, but I'm halfway through the series and I keep thinking "She's probably not going to die in this one..."

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Oh no!!! Does she really die in the book too!? Zut alors!

Top tip: stop watching the series about halfway through the 13th episode, it proved unlucky for some. 😉 😘

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😂 Like Joey in Friends putting Little Women in the freezer.

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I love your eternal optimism!

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The book is one of my all-time favourites, but although I've seen the film (which was a bit 'meh' in comparison), I've never really gotten over *that* scene enough to think I could make it through 14 (14!) episodes of it! From what I've heard people say about it, though, I think she's probably more likeable in the book -- not that it makes it any easier when you get to the end, obviously!

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The book sounds so much better, I’m not sure I can face it though. 🥹

I’ll wait for the sequel. 😉

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I got to episode 4 or 5 or... I'm not sure really and had to turn it off. Did not hook me at all. I think I'll probably prefer the film as I'd like to know the story but I'm very much over here unsure of the fuss of this series. I opted for watching Grey's Anatomy for the 8th time instead...

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At least you know where you are with GA, if you don’t recognise the character, death is likely. 👍

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Tis true although in the early (best) seasons that wasn't guaranteed!

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I think that was the most shocking thing about Game of Thrones, that they’d happily kill off the main characters!

Ruthless, no jobs were safe! 😂

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Another series I've watched 5 times through! 😂 Yes some of them had to go though... Like Joffrey

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It was Tywin Lannister on the loo that got me, didn’t see it coming! 😂😂😂

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Definitely a crap way to go! 😂

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Hilarious! Thank you for saving me countless hours and disappointment. I read the novel and loved it so I will just keep it to that 😂

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Yes, good plan, cherish the memories of the book! 🤓👏👏

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Great recap. I did not watch the last two episodes and knew I wouldn’t since I’m going home and hubby won’t have interest and well, I read it here. I binged with my daughter who said that everyone is talking about it and she wanted to be able to discuss. I was ready to give up on the show by the second episode. I didn’t know what Dex saw in this whiny girl, even as a friend.

I can’t believe Emma was killed off in such a random, out-of-character way. Odd.

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You did well to dodge those last 2 episodes! 👏👏👏

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I loved this and openly shared this in my review. But I fully laughed out loud at this too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Thanks so much Beth, lovely to hear it made you laugh! 😃😘

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Oh gosh, it was an unlikely accident, the writers were not cyclists. I also live near where this was filmed in Richmond and know this very junction. There’s no way she would have pulled out like that, even if drunk.

A totally different show but did you see Inside Man with David Tennant and another famous person? Well, don’t! The premise from the beginning was completely ridiculous and there is no way any of it would ever have happened. There’s six hours wasted, all my own fault 🤬

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Wow, we now have our very own 'location expert' in this matter, thank you for confirming what we had all suspected! 👏👏👏

Don't get me started on Inside Man, what an abomination! Luckily I bailed after about 2 or 3 episodes, not even Stanley Tucci could save that one!

There is no way David Tennant's character would have taken responsibility or kidnapped the woman (who was a fab character!), it was ALL soooo utterly stupid! 🤯

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It was so so stupid. He also wouldn’t have covered up for someone who was a paedophile. Why no one put up their hand at the start and said shall we just change this beginning bit so this whole thing isn’t absurd I’ll never know. 🤯😤

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I couldn’t believe it either! I haven’t read the book or seen the film but I just knew something bad was going to happen in that scene but it was still a shock that she died. And I hated that she was just lying there alone and dying and no one was trying to save her - or calling an ambulance. Where was the driver?!

Having said all that, I enjoyed the series and the messages within the storyline so I still think it was worth the watch albeit an infuriating one in that episode 😆

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I know, I feel your pain, I really enjoyed the rest of the series, it just could have had a far better ending. 😣

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The last episode post-death was even worse than the unbelievable bike accident (I am also a cyclist and this just wasn't realistic - should've been a lorry on a roundabout or similar).

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Agreed, it just wasn't plausible!

Maybe the book has a lorry on a roundabout? 😉 👏

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Thanks for subscribing! Not sur how you find me, but I subscribed back because I dig your vibe. Thanks for this review because I was planning on watching it at some point. And would've been YELLING AT MY SCREEN at this ending. As someone who's been reading romance since I was a high school freshman, I'm all about the HEA. Looking forward to getting your newsletters.

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Thank you so much! 😘

You’ve saved yourself 7 hrs, congratulations! 👏

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I just finished this show too and couldn't quite put my finger on what I didn't like about it, but I think you helped put words to it! And what's funny is that I thought I had not seen the movie, but then when that scene with her biking rolled up, all of a sudden it flashed back to me, and I was like, "Oh NO, NO, NO! THIS is why I blocked out the movie!"

I have this thing where I can't stand stories/movies/books that are focused on a romance and just end with a character dying. Perhaps I'm just a simple person who likes unrealistic, predictable fairytale endings too much (would make sense since I'm a Pisces), but I can't stand reading or watching something just to end up crying at the end. There's no fun in that. Why would I want to just sit and cry? Plus, I'm currently pregnant, so I cry at literally ANYTHING. So yeah... I, too, was mad at the show when I realized what I'd gotten myself into...again.

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Twice duped, I feel your pain! 😘

Is it just lazy story telling perhaps, once the author had finally put them together they didn’t quite know what to do with them.

It should have ended at their wedding, the last episode was utterly pointless.


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Oh, and that's another thing! Why didn't we see any of the wedding??? Did I just fall asleep during that part? I feel like after all we invested in these two characters, we should at least get to see what would be one of their happiest/most celebratory moments together.

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Haha, I read the book when it came out and remember gasping at *that* scene, purely because of the shock factor. And I still prefer it to either film or series. In fact the series felt like pulling teeth for me (Emma's RBF certainly didn't help matters).

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I hear you sister! 🙌

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I've been wondering whether to watch this but now I don't I'll bother. Thanks for saving me the time sitting through this, Kate.

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You won’t regret it!

Have a stab at a watercolour instead! 👍😘

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Hilarious! I especially loved the caption below the Hathaway/Joker pic

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Hee hee, me too! 😉 😘

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so glad I read this as I was planning on 'going in' tonight. I don't think I'll bother now!

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Ha ha, I think you may have dodged a bullet there then!

Fancy the pub instead? 😘

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I don’t have my car - it’s being serviced!

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Feb 15, 2024
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Good luck Caroline, get those tissues ready! 😭

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